August Monthly Group Healing & Money Candle Results

I’m excited to share the results from this month’s group healing and money candle burns! If you participated, you know the energy was off the charts. I watched both candles burn and will break down each one.

August Group Healing Candle

You can watch the video of the candle burn HERE. This candle did take a long time to burn and I would suggest that you watch it in 2x speed.

Here’s the breakdown of the burn:

Slow and steady: This candle burned slow and steady. The energy stayed consistent throughout the burn. This means that the healing energy sent to everyone who participated was strong and steady.

Consistent flame: The flame of this candle was very consistent. It was very strong and didn’t flicker. This shows that the energy of the candle was strong and unwavering. It also shows that it didn’t hit any blocks from the participants.

Now wax left: This candle burned very clean. As you can see in the photo below, there was no wax left behind. That means that the energy from the candle didn’t meet any resistance. The healing energy was sent to all the participants in a strong and steady flow.

During the burning of the healing candle, I pulled a collective oracle card for everyone who participated.

Strength: You are stronger than you think. Tap into your inner strength and know that you are strong enough to handle what you’re going through.

August Group Money Candle

You can watch the video of the candle burn HERE. This candle did take a long time to burn and I would suggest that you watch it in 2x speed.

Here’s the breakdown of the burn:

Large flame: The flame for this candle remained large. This means that the energy that is being sent out is extra strong.

Large/high flame with black smoke: At one point, the flame got really high and there was black smoke coming from it. During this time, the energy was hitting money heavy blocks from one or more of the participants. The black smoke signifies the burning away of these blocks.

Crackling & popping: This candle popped and crackled a few times. When the candle did this, it’s sending out bursts of energy that are needed. This could be due to negative subconscious feelings toward money. The energy was getting through these feelings during the bursts.

Almost going out: As the candle got close to the end, there were a couple of times that it almost went out. The flame died down but then went back up. This showed that even though the candle was almost done, the energy being sent wasn’t.

Wax reading: Once the candle went out, it left a circle of wax. This indicates that the candle/energy is full circle. If any participant had money blocks, the energy was able to get through them.

As the candles flicker out, we're left with the powerful energy and insights from our August group burn. Each flame, each whisper of smoke, carried our collective intentions into the universe, weaving together our hopes and dreams. Whether you found clarity, comfort, or a sense of connection through this experience, remember that the magic of our shared ritual continues to unfold long after the candles are extinguished. Let the lessons and energies from this month's burn guide you as we move forward together, always in pursuit of light and growth. Until next time, may your path be illuminated with the warmth and wisdom of our shared flame.

Add Your Name To Next Month’s Candles

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